DoraHacks DAO Bounty Collaboration Program


DAO Bounty is DoraHacks’ bounty post&take platform for both bounty funders and bounty hunters(the person who takes the task and will get rewards for it). It uses a smart contract to disburse crypto bounty rewards automatically when the funder successfully accepts a bounty solution. Bounties of all types are supported, while the topic study is the most popular bounty category in DoraHacks’ bounty partners.


In the DAO Bounty Collaboration Program, DoraHacks aims to support hacker’s learning and sharing on the most interesting and meaningful topics via topic study bounties. The topics can be given by DoraHacks’ research team who is always exploring the edge of new techs, or it can also be proposed by the Collaboration Program partner community.

The program aims to foster a community of avid learners, problem solvers, and innovation enthusiasts. By providing a platform for learners and hackers to come together, we hope to encourage innovative and practical findings that can make a meaningful impact on the whole world.

How it works: Study, share and get funded

Models of DAO Bounty Partnership

Topic Proposal

There are ways that DoraHacks supports the partner community via DAO Bounty, no language restrictions( in 1. and 2., the bounties should be posted via an org account on DoraHacks - the partner community’s own account, like this one ):

For these types of partnerships, the topic study output will be spread by both the partner community’s and DoraHacks’ channels in the name of both parties.

  1. Partner community members can propose topics based on their interests plus the rewards they expect. When the proposal is accepted, the proposer can continue to study the topic, share the outputs and get rewarded. Topics/reward expectations will be reviewed and evaluated by Dora team. Approved topics will be processed to the study&fund stage and the proposer will be reached out by Dora staff.

    For topic proposal review, the proposer should provide information in the following form.

    Topic description/agenda brief introduction of the proposer proposer’s contact expected rewards($)
  2. Based on 2., the partner community can also propose topics to find external mentors to share the insights, for which DoraHacks can also provide some funds.

*Bounty outputs can be released via DoraHacks’ platforms(Youtube, Bilibili, Twitter, Wechat, Community forum, Blog, etc.),with partner community’s brand added.

If the partner community wants to release the contents via their own channels, **it’s required that DoraHacks’ brand, introduction and DAO Bounty program introduction be added**. For brand policy, see below “brand assets”.

Topic taken from Dora’s Topic Bank or topics/bounties from other orgs.

  1. Partner community members can also select topics from existing topics(from other orgs) at In this partnership mode, when the output is released, DoraHacks will co-promote the deliverables in the name of the partner community, the bounty owner org and DoraHacks itself.

    1. Proposers/topic takers should provide information as required:
    Expected Topic brief introduction of the taker taker’s contact raw study plan(timeline)

    b. The owner of the taken bounty will review and approve the application and communicate accordingly for the next steps(see below “What’s next”).

    c. When releasing the outputs, the brand of DoraHacks, the owner org, and the partner community should be used properly as required above.

*To ensure that participants can access the necessary resources to complete their studies, the program will provide a list of recommended resources for each topic. These resources will include relevant research papers, journals, and online courses.

<aside> 💡 About topic study bounties

Topic study refers to the hunters’ study and interpretation of a given topic(and references). Usually, the topics come from the latest development of blockchain/cryptography, AI, Space tech, Quantum physics/quantum computing, and innovative research in other fields. Sample topics from DoraHacks’ Topic Bank

Explain the following aspects of the Modular chain. (1) What is a modular chain and what’s the motivation for creating it? What’s the difference between the Modular Chain and current existing blockchains, particularly Cosmos and Polkadot? (2) Please explain Celestia Data Availability (DA) layer in detail What is the DA concept? What problems can it solve?